On a vintage car, with the wind in your hair, to discover the beauty of cities like Rome and Paris or of the Tuscany countryside. And by sea, aboard of a fascinating vintage sailing ship, to explore archipelagos as La Maddalena. These are the experiences deluxe hotels propose, with success, to their guests.

In Rome, the Baglioni Hotel Regina (baglionihotels.com), propose a tour with driver and guide on a Vintage Fiat 500 to discover the Eternal city.

The Chianti’s exploration on a luxury vintage sports car is the proposal of the Hotel Brunelleschi (hotelbrunelleschi.it), in Florence. A tour between rows of Vineyard, wiggly roads, cypresses and village postcard.

A Paris symbol-points tour on the beautiful Citroen 2CV is the proposal of La Réserve Paris (lareserve-paris.com).
And by sea? The experience could be done onboard of a vintage sailing ship.

In the north of Sardinia guests of the five stars Capo d’Orso and Valle dell’Erica of the Delphina (delphina.it), group have the possibilità to do one of the organisated excursion aboard the Pulcinella vintage sailing ship (see above), to the Corsica’s south islands, Emerald Coast and La Maddalena Archipelagos.